The allure of electric vehicles is understandable. You don’t have to pay for gas, electricity is cheap, and both noise and emissions are non-existent. For those that want performance, nothing beats the pushed to the back of the seat feeling of instant torque generated by an electric motor. And even as electric charging infrastructure grows every day, there is still one question that people are curious about: How much does it cost to maintain an EV?
In this video, Mike and John share their thoughts on the trials and tribulations of owning electric vehicles, with their real-world experiences on the cost of owning and maintaining their vehicles. They’ve taken the feedback of other owners and share with you all they’ve learned and have weighed them against their own experiences. Some of the things may actually surprise you.
Are you considering an electric vehicle as your next mode of transportation? Are you ready to put down your wallet or do you still have some burning questions that don’t seem to have a straight answer? Let us know in the comments below!
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