This morning during Apple’s “One More Thing” event, CEO Tim Cook and his team unveiled the new CPU processor, the M1 as expected. This new chip will power a new line of personal computers which were also unveiled today including a new 13″ MacBook Air, Mac Mini and a 13″ MacBook Pro.
The new MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini with M1 are available to order today on and in the Apple Store app. They will begin arriving to customers and will be in select Apple Store locations and Apple Authorized Resellers starting next week.
Apple claims that products using the M1 chip will be much more energy efficient while at the same time be many times more powerful than competing Windows based computers.
The new MacBook Air starts at $1,299 (CAD), and $1,169 (CAD) for education; the new 13-inch MacBook Pro starts at $1,699 (CAD), and $1,569 (CAD) for education; and the new Mac mini starts at $899 (CAD), and $869 (CAD) for education.
Also announced today is the release of Big Sur on November 12th, the latest operating system that will power all the new computers as well as existing Apple computers. This will be a free download. It features a host of new design elements, a much faster Safari brower, privacy reporting and the ability to run iOS and iPad applications on your computer.
You can read the full release from Apple that details all the new products.
We look forward to getting our hands on these new products and will have all the usual unboxing and review videos coming as soon as they arrive.
UPDATE: You can now watch the full keynote if you missed it this morning:
UPDATE #2: It looks like Apple (or Amazon) has removed the links now…so perhaps someone jumped the gun on having them available on Amazon. We’ll leave the links intact in case they return.
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