On this week’s APP SHOW video podcast, Canada’s 5G network plans are hitting a snag. And how much would you pay for music streaming? And retrogamers get hyped because John is going to show you how to play Atari today on your old smartphone. Get ready for the June 14, 2020, edition of the APP SHOW video podcast.
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It’s no secret that Huawei’s smartphones are some of the best on the market. Even with the loss of the Google Play Store, devices like the Huawei P40 Pro are so good, they might make it without it. Unfortunately, Canada is about to be missing their network equipment, putting our 5G network plans behind. Two of Canada’s ‘big three’ mobile networks, Bell and Telus, have terminated their network-building plans with the Chinese manufacturer, after spending millions. What does this mean for 5G in Canada? We talk to Kirk LaPointe from Business in Vancouver on his thoughts about what this could mean.
Do you hear what I hear? Networks and bandwidth have increased significantly in Canada. We’re now streaming 4K and even 8K video with relative ease on most Internet services. But do we need a streaming service with higher audio fidelity? We talk Tidal, a music streaming service that you pay a whole lot more for. They claim higher quality streaming and a list of exclusive perks made for music lovers, but is it worth it?
Finally, John breaks out some old smartphones and shows you how to make them into Atari emulators. Retrogamers take note!
Our hosts this week are Mike Agerbo, John Biehler and Graham Williams. Joining us is Kirk LaPointe from Business in Vancouver.
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