If nothing else, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the shortcomings of elder care in Canada. This week on GetConnected AT WORK, Mike Agerbo and Chris Pereira speak with Julian Morelli, Political and Communications Strategist, about how technology can help us improve elder care in Canada. Speaking candidly about his family’s experience with elder care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Julian weighs in on the current state of elder care in Canada and how we can use real-time data collection to make better decisions about the future of long term care facilities. He also discusses the unique challenges families have faced in staying connected throughout this time and how technology could have helped to alleviate them.
Tackling some big questions, Julian challenges us to think critically about our approach to long-term care both from a policy and human perspective. As we work toward our new normal, he asks us to consider how we can hold policy makers to task to improve conditions at long-term care facilities and protect our elderly population.
About Julian Morelli
Julian Morelli is a political, communications, business, and policy strategist.
His political experience includes positions as the Chief of Staff for the former Chair of Canada’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Director of Communications for the Green Party of Canada, and Press Secretary and Communications Advisor to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, under the Liberal Party of Canada.
He is a strong advocate for major reform in long-term care homes. Currently, he is a member of the government of Ontario’s Pandemic Planning and Recovery Working Table representing Essential Family Caregivers, and a member of The Ottawa Hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council.
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