This month, we’re launching our biggest giveaway of 2021!
Many of us have been struggling to keep fit while doing our part during these interesting times. When TUT Fitness Group asked if we could team up to giveaway one of their fitness systems valued at $1495 CAD, we had to say, YES!
If you don’t know who TUT Fitness Group is, they are a Canadian-owned company founded in 2018. The Vancouver-based team manufactures the world’s smallest, lightest, and most affordable high-performance portable home gyms on the market. It uses a patented stackable resistance band system that offers extremely granular resistance. So, if you haven’t been to the gym in a while, like us, you can start with 5 lbs and work your way up to over 210 lbs of resistance.
The company manufactures, individually, the TUT Rower ($745 CAD) and TUT Tower ($945 CAD). While fantastic on their own, they combine into the TUT Training System Combo, valued at $1495 CAD, that we’re giving away this month to one of our very valued fans!
To make this giveaway even more exciting, we’re doing things just a little bit differently this month. You will still be entered for a chance to win if you are subscribed to our newsletter. All you need to do is confirm your entry with the form below. Once you confirm entry, you’ll be granted access to a number of new ways to pick up even more entries. The more entries you get, the greater your chances are of winning.
The GetConnected TUT Trainer System Giveaway*Please note that this giveaway has additional Terms & Conditions due to the number of new ways to enter. Click the ‘Terms & Conditions’ link at the bottom of the form above.
We’re extremely excited to be joining TUT Fitness Group for this giveaway. If there are any questions or comments, definitely let us know in the discussion area below. Good luck everyone!
To ‘GetConnected’ to our newsletter, fill out the details and hit the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button. We do require you to confirm your email.