It seems like only a short time ago we published an article about Garmin being hit with a ransomware attack in which they ended up paying a hefty fee to have their data unlocked. Now it looks like Canon has been hit. It is rumored that 10TB of data may have been stolen.
Canon seems to have been hit by ‘Maze Ransomware’. This is different than the Garmin attack however the premise basically the same. The Maze program affected the company’s email as well as Microsoft Teams. Other internal parts as well as their website in the USA was also subject to this attack.
According to iPhoneCanada, there was an email that went out to the entire company from the Canon IT department.
“This notification states that Canon is experiencing “widespread system issues affecting multiple applications, Teams, Email, and other systems may not be available at this time.”
As part of this outage, Canon USA’s website is now displaying errors or page not found errors when visited.”
It appears as if 10TB (Terabytes) of data was taken as part of the attack. They have stated however that there was no leak of any of the information. The attack started on July 30th and Canon experienced the outage over the course of 6 days. During the time down, it would show status updates. The site returned to normal after August 4th.
Canon has officially stated that they will be conducting an investigation. It seems like Ransomware has been on the rise. With Garmin being hit in the last couple of weeks and now Canon, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. It almost seems like paying the ransom is the thing to do as it is much cheaper than having any of this sensitive data leaked or permanently gone.
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